


    本篇推文中提到的4本期刊,Oncotarget已经被SCI剔除,Cancer Research稳定在9分左右,Clinical Cancer Research则已经成功地突破了10分大关,Oncogene略微下降,为6.8分左右。

今天我们梳理肿瘤专业领域 5-10 分范围的SCI杂志,共18个(数据来源于medsci):


   这里面有大家最为熟悉的Oncotarget,Clinical Cancer Research,Cancer Research,Cancer Letters等杂志。其中Oncotarget为大家公认的“灌水”杂志,年文章量3200多篇,远高于第二名International Journalof Cancer的661篇,仅比第二名到第八名的年文章量总和(3768)少一点,命中率42.86%,2015年中国人文章占该期刊总数量 26%,不愧为大家升职毕业申金之必备杀器。


    不过,随着越来愈多的院校把它列为禁忌,Oncotarget已经与PLOS ONE,Scientific Reports等“那类杂志”成为杂志界的一朵奇葩,从上图中我们可以看到:Oncotarget的影响因子从2012年开始就一路下滑,2014年还是6.3,2015年就到了5.0,差点跌破5分,如果IMPACT JOURNALS LLC  出版社不调整策略,这样下去影响因子跌破5分甚至更低就是分分钟的事了,万一到明年影响因子像medicine一样大跳水就杯具了。

所以大家可以把Oncotarget作为“Plan B”,大家在选择的时候还是要慎重再慎重,万一到毕业考核的时候跌破3分,大家就有的哭了。


Oncotarget  publishes research papers in cancer research and oncology (primary focus). Due to the complexity of tumor development and integrity of the human organism, Oncotarget also publishes papers in the fields of endocrinology, pathology, age-related diseases, physiology, and immunology. 


1.MiRNA203 suppresses the expression of protumorigenic STAT1 in glioblastoma to inhibit tumorigenesis.Oncotarget. 2016 Oct 2. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.12401.

2. Necessity of organized low-dose computed tomography screening for lung cancer: From epidemiologic comparisons between China and the Western nations.Oncotarget. 2016 Oct 1. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.12400.

3. Age-related decline in cardiac autonomic function is not attenuated with increased physical activity.Oncotarget. 2016 Oct 2. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.12403.

4. KRAS mutations in blood circulating cell-free DNA: a pancreatic cancer case-control.Oncotarget. 2016 Oct 1. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.12386.

在第二名到第7名的杂志里面,Cancer ResearchClinical Cancer Research这对兄弟期刊是第一梯队,出版周期半月刊,每年文章量500-600,Cancer Research的影响因子一直在在7-10分中间波动,最新的影响因子是8.5,比2014年的9.3略有下降,不过总体趋势是比较稳定的;


而小兄弟Clinical Cancer Research近十年则一直呈稳步上升趋势,最近的影响因子是8.7,照这趋势下去2016年突破九分应该问题不大。

   这两个杂志都由美国癌症研究协会AACR(AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH)出版,杂志的收录范围从名字上就可以看出来:Clinical Cancer Research偏重于临床一些,Cancer Research接收范围比较宽,既有临床也有基础。

Clinical Cancer Research publishes original articles describing clinical research on the cellular and molecular characterization, prevention, diagnosis, and therapy of human cancer. Its focus is on innovative clinical research and translational research which bridges the laboratory and the clinic. Clinical Cancer Research is especially interested in clinical trials evaluating new treatments for cancer; research on molecular abnormalities that predict incidence, response to therapy, and outcome, and laboratory studies of new drugs and biological agents that will lead to clinical trials in patients.


Cancer Research publishes significant, original studies in all areas of basic, clinical, translational, epidemiological, and prevention research devoted to the study of cancer and cancer-related biomedical sciences. Scientific topics include: biochemistry; chemical, physical, and viral carcinogenesis and mutagenesis; clinical investigations including clinical trials; endocrinology; epidemiology and prevention; experimental therapeutics; immunology and immunotherapy including biological therapy; molecular biology and genetics; radiobiology and radiation oncology; tumor biology; and virology. Thus its publication scope covers all subfields of cancer research. Papers are stringently reviewed and only those that report results of novel, timely, and significant research and meet high standards of scientific merit will be accepted for publication.


1. Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Protein GRP78 Modulates Lipid Metabolism to Control Drug Sensitivity and Antitumor Immunity in Breast Cancer.Cancer Res. 2016 Oct 1;76(19):5657-5670.

2. Doxorubicin-induced systemic Inflammation is driven by upregulation of Toll-like receptor TLR4 and endotoxin leakage.Cancer Res. 2016 Sep 28. pii: canres.3034.2015.

3. Effects of budesonide on cabazitaxel pharmacokinetics and cabazitaxel-induced diarrhea: A randomized, open-label multicenter phase II study.Clin Cancer Res. 2016 Oct 4. pii: clincanres.2110.2016.

4. Significance of TP53 Mutation in Wilms Tumors with Diffuse Anaplasia: A Report from the Children's Oncology Group.Clin Cancer Res. 2016 Oct 4.

下面我们看杂志Oncogene,Oncogene由 NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP出版社出版,出版周期是周刊,年文章量575,影响因子区间为6到8.5分,2015年为7.9,刚下8分,不过总体来看Oncogene的影响因子波动不大,如无意外,估计2016年还是在8分上下浮动。


Oncogene covers all aspects of the structure and function of oncogenes, especially: Cellular oncogenes and their mechanism of activation. Structure and function of their encoded proteins Oncogenes of the DNA and RNA tumour viruses, The molecular oncology of human tumours, Tumour suppressor genes Growth regulatory genes, Cell cycle control Growth factors and receptors Apoptosis.


1. Cip2a promotes cell cycle progression in triple-negative breast cancer cells by regulating the expression and nuclear export of p27Kip1.Oncogene. 2016 Oct 3.

2. Prefoldin 1 promotes EMT and lung cancer progression by suppressing cyclin A expression.Oncogene. 2016 Oct 3.

3. Lysine-specific demethylase KDM3A regulates ovarian cancer stemness and chemoresistance.Oncogene. 2016 Oct 3.